Recovery Ecosystem
A recovery ecosystem, as defined by Mercy , Ngosa, Mumba, et. al, is an evidece-based approach that creates the environment that individuals and families need by providing all the necessary tools, services, an supports for recovery to occur." To that end, CMREN-FSU aims to build a sustainable, regional recovery ecosystem through collaborative efforts, that will serve the needs of all impacted by substance misuse and Substance Use Disorder. Our work will focus primarily on four populations, veterans, pregnant, homeless/unhoused, and justice-involved specifically those recently released from incarceration.
Source: (, Mumba, MN, Mugoya GT, REcovery Ecosystems: A Whole Health Approach to Susbstance Use Prevention and Treatment. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv. 2022 Sep;60(9):10-14 doi: 10.2928/02793695-20220809-05.Epub 2022 Sep1.PMID:36044744)
Access to Care
Access to Care involves identifying and addressing gaps, and amplifying current services to assure those seeking/needing care have options to readily seek treatment. Areas currently being addressed include:
Screeing and referral
Outpatient Care
Quality of care workflow
Workforce/Care base
Value-bassed Care
Behavioral Health
Development of a Rural Health Education Center at Ferris State University
Transportation involves identifying and addressing gaps, and amplifying current services to assure those needing transportation have options. Areas currently being addressed include:
Develop affordable, sustainable, based on promising practices and best practice models used in rural ecosytem models.
Recovery Housing
Recovery housing involves identifying and addressing gaps, and amplifying current services to assure those seeking care have options to readily seek treatment, through building sustainable, affordable housing based on best-practice models for rural areas.
Social Determinants of Health
Remaining Social Determinants of Health to be addressed within the four-year recovery ecosystem development phase include:
Regional HUB
Empowerment Resources
SDoH Enhanced Services
Informed Workforce
SDoH Workforce
Recovery Interventions & Activities
Recovery-Friendly Employment