CMREN strives to increase awareness and understanding of Substance Use Disorder, as a disease. We collaborate with others to decrease stigma, promoting the reality of recovery.

Building a Five-County Recovery Ecosytem-A Community Conversation
October 18, 2024 - 8:30AM - 1:00PM Ferris State University Eisler Center
This project sponsored by CMREN-FSU and Regional Chapters of FAN (Face Addiction Now)
This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $1,200,000 with zero percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.

CMREN Recovery Month Education Projects - September 2024

FLITE Libary Display - Ferris State Univeristy
Talk They Hear You Radio PSAs B103.9 Big Rapids
Prior CMREN Work through HRSA RCORP-I funding
We strive to train future workforce regarding Substance Use Disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery. through training Ferris State students, faculty, and staff. We visit classrooms, train resident hall student leadership and staff, library staff, student learning assistant workers and staff, and health center staff. We train students in tabling events throughout the academic year and in special events, such as deliberative dialogues and other fun events such as a game night, all of which includes Narcan and at-home-medication disposal training.
July 2023 through March 2024 we trained the following groups:
Sponsored an FSU pharmacy student to attend the AUPhA SUD conference, March 2024
Provided NARCAN training to 6 students and 2 faculty in Williams Auditorium on February 23, 2024.
FSU AUPhA student group provided training on-campus February 22, 2024.
Provided list of open access NARCAN distribution site to the FSU School of Nursing week of February 28, 2024.
Provided NARCAN training materials to Big Rapids EMT for in-school trainings in the Mecosta/Osceola intermediate schools. Feb. 2024.

Families Against Narcotics Meetings and Events
Families Against Narcotics (FAN) Forums and meetings are opportunities for the community to learn about various aspects of SUD prevention, treatment, and recovery through presentations by topic experts, and testimonies from those with lived experience. These monthly events provide rich experience for the persons to gain insight into the reality of SUD and to have conversation regarding how together we can collaborate to make a difference.
Families Against Narcotics Chapters and Hope Not Handcuffs programs are now offered in Mecosta, Montcalm, Newaygo and Osceola counties.
See the website for more information:
Seeking Help? Call: 833-202-HOPE
Community Conversation May 19, 2023
The Community Conversation Event, with 65 participants, was a time for members of the CMREN Community to come together to learn what is happening in our neighborhoods to address SUD and substance misuse. It was valued as a time to discuss what needs we see as a guide to determine next steps. This was a HRSA-RCORP-I supported project.

Talk, They Hear You Campaign
In Summer of 2023, CMREN partnered with this SAMHSA National Awareness initiative placing eleven billboards across Mecosta, Osceola, and Newaygo Counties with educational messages regarding how parents, children, teens, and young adults can have conversation regarding substance use, including alcohol misuse. The billboards had 2,138,757 impressions, defined as duplicated views by passerbys determined by visibility, height, and illumination. The 60-second In addition, CMREN ran nine different 60-second Public Service Announcements across three local radio stations for three months. The results - 1,715 radio announcements with an average listening audience of 30,000 listeners.
In January 2024, CMREN was recognized by SAMHSA for this work being featured in their January newsletter.